
Hospice Care Auburn MI

Hospice care is specialized care designed to provide support to you and your loved ones during an advanced illness. Hospice care focuses on comfort and quality of life, rather than cure. The goal of hospice is to enable you to have an alert, pain-free life…to live each day as fully as possible. 

At our home, we partner with 3rd party Hospice companies to bring the care in house. Experienced physicians, nurses and other professional caregivers offer personalized choices for where you can receive care, up-to-date approaches to pain and symptom management, and peace of mind to help you live better with your illness.

For more information, contact us.

Auburn Heights’ residents benefit greatly from a caring staff led by a personable and effective administrator, Kendra Hall. I get the impression that the good qualities of the staff and admin reflect the owner’s values, as well. I am keeping in touch long distance (from NC) with a family member living at Auburn Heights and I’ve been extremely happy with the level of care and communication.
K Arnold

Primary Communities Served



Bay City

